Dodatkowe książki dla naszej biblioteki
W ostatnim czasie otrzymaliśmy wiele publikacji od Pani Małgorzaty Lachut, która od wielu lat jest sympatykiem Towarzystwa Naukowego Australii, Nowej Zelandii i Oceanii, aktywnie wspierając nasze działania. Jej współpraca przy wielu aktywnościach naszej organizacji była nieoceniona.
Tym razem dzięki jej pomocy otrzymaliśmy dla Biblioteki ANZORA kilkanaście publikacji, których lista znajduje się poniżej:
Coalition for National Unity and Rural Advancement Government. Policy Statements, Honiara 2002;
Solomon Islands Government. Peace Plan 2000, Programme of Action, Honiara 2000;
Salomon Islands. Human Development Report 2002. Building a Nation, ed. Mark Otter, Honiara 2002;
Salomon Islands Family. Health and Safety Study: A Study on violence against woman and children, Suva 2009;
UNESCO Country Programming Document- Kiribati 2008-2013, Apia 2009;
SOPAC Country Profile – Tonga, Suva (BDW);
Country Stategy Paper and National Indicative Programme 2008-2013, European Union in the World. Kingdom of Tonga, Nuku alofa 2007;
Pacific Agroforestry. An Information kit, ed. Steve Rogers, Peter Thorpe, Suva 1999;
Economist Intelligence Unit. Country Profile 2006. Pacific Islands: Fiji, New Caledonia, Samoa, Salomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, London 2006;
Economist Intelligence Unit. Country Report 2008. Pacific Islands: Fiji, New Caledonia, Samoa, Salomon Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu, London 2008;
Pacific Islands Environment Outlook, London 1999;
Solomon Islands. Rebuilding an Island Economy. Australian Government. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Economic Analytical Unit, Barton 2004;
Kiladi oro vivineidi ria tingitonga pa idere oro pa goana pa Marovo. Reet and Rainforest, ed. Edvard Hvinding, Bergen 2005;
Tuvalu Trust Fund. 20 Anniversary Profile 1987 – 2007, Vaiaku 2007;
Melanesian Politics. Stael Blong Vanuatu, ed. Haward van Trease, Christchurch 1995;
Models of Regional Governance for The Pacific. Sovereignty and the future architecture of regionalism, ed. Kennedy Graham, Christchurch 2008;
Vanuatu: Policy Issues in the Agriculture , Fisheries and Forestry Sectors, Asian Development Bank, Manila 2002;
Vanuatu: Agriculture and Fisheries Sector Review 2000, Asian Development Bank, Manila 2001;
Vanuatu. Economic Performance and Challenges Ahead, Asian Development Bank, Manila 2002;
Fraenkel Jon, The Manipulation of Custom. From Uprising to Intervention in the Solomon Islands, Wellington 2004;
Pacific Protest. The Maasina Rule Movement. Solomon Islands 1944-1952, ed. Hugh Laracy, Suva 1983;
Bennett J.A., Pacific Forest. A History of Resource Control and Contest in Solomon Islands, c.1800-1997, Leiden 2000;
Farming Seaweed in Kiribati. A practical guide for seaweed farmers, Noumea 2003;
Vanuatu National Survey on Women’s Lives and Family Relationships. Vanuatu Women’s Centre in Partnership with The Vanuatu National Statistics Office, Port Vila 2011;
Pretorius C, Pretorius N, Vanuatu Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability, Birmingham 2009;
Millennium Development Goals 2010 Report for Vanuatu, Port Vila 2010;
Mourgues A., Repunlic of Vanuatu Environment Profile 2004, Port Vila 2005;
Pretorius C, Certan C.,Vanuatu Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability. Resume, Port Vila 2006;
Republic of Vanuatu. National Adaptation Programme for Action (NAPA), Port Vila (BRW);
2009 Annual Development Report, (BMW) 2009;
Republic of Vanuatu National Elections 2 May 2002. Report of the Elections Observer Group, ed. Shirley Randell, Port Vila 2002.
Raz jeszcze dziękujemy Pani Małgorzacie za jej niestrudzoną pomoc w promowaniu wiedzy o Pacyfiku w Polsce.