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Tegoroczna Konferencja ANZORA już w piątek 11 grudnia 2020

Program Konferencji :



Australia in the Time of Crisis:
Climactic, Cultural, Economic, and Political Solutions

December 11, 2020 (Friday), University of Lodz (online)

Password: ANZORA2020

9.00 – 9.20 Conference opening
Welcoming Words Dr. Joanna Siekiera, Faculty of Law and Bergen Pacific
Studies Research Group, University of Bergen, Norway, ANZORA

Conference opening, Professor Ryszard Machnikowski, Dean of the Faculty
of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
Opening address Professor Krystyna Kujawska Courtney, Founder of the
Information and Research “Australian Studies” Lab, University of Lodz

9.20 – 10.30 Panel session I “Antipodal Geopolitics, Past and Present”
Moderator Dr. Joanna Siekiera
9.20 – 9.35 Odległość i izolacja. Rola Australii w kolonialnym śnie Wojciecha
Gutkowskiego „Podróż do Kalopei” [Distance and Isolation. The Role of
Australia in Wojciech Gutkowski’s Colonial Dream A Journey to Kalopeia],
Professor Maria Antonina Łukowska, University of Lodz
9.35 – 9.50 Pozycja międzynarodowa Australii – mocarstwo średnie czy regionalne? [Australia’s International Position – A Middle or Regional Power?]
Dr. Justyna Eska-Mikołajewska, Cracow University of Economics, ANZORA
9.50 – 10.05 Australia tracąca wpływy w Oceanii [Australia’s Diminishing Influence in Oceania], Dr. Dariusz Zdziech, Jagiellonian University, President of ANZORA
10.05 – 10.20 Prawne roszczenia Republiki Wysp Marshalla wobec Stanów Zjednoczonych [Legal claims of the Republic of the Marshall Islands against the United States],
Dr. Wojciech Kwiatkowski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
10.20 – 10.35 Ustrój polityczny Kalopei w twórczości Wojciecha Gutkowskiego [The Political System of Kalopea in the Works of Wojciech Gutkowski], Dr. Łukasz Łukowski, Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court

10.35– 10.45 Break

10.45 –12.15 Panel session II “Security in Times of Crisis”
Moderator Dr. Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik
10.45 – 11.00 Culture of Political Violence of Anti-lockdown Protests in Melbourne,
Professor Joanna Rak, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
11.00 – 11.15 Bezpieczeństwo i zaufanie społeczne- Australia w czasie pandemii [Safety and Social Trust – Australia during the Pandemic] Dr. Jowita Brudnicka Żółtaniecka,
Polish Geopolitical Society, ANZORA
11.15 – 11.30 Podmiotowość prawna Aborygenów z perspektywy krytycznych studiów nad prawem [Aboriginal Legal Subjectivity from the Perspective of Critical Law Studies], Professor Tomasz Srogosz, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy
11.30 – 11.45 Polityczne, prawne i społeczne następstwa pożarów z lat 2019–2020 w Australii [Political, Legal and Social Consequences of the 2019-2020 Fires of in Australia], Professor Karina Marczuk, University of Warsaw
11.45 – 12.00 Walka o czysty Pacyfik – dialog państw Oceanii na temat ekologii [Fight for the Clean Pacific – Oceania’s Dialogue on Ecology], Anna Róża Żorska, M.A., University of Warsaw
12.00 – 12.15 Australian Reactions to the Rise of the Solidarity Movement in Poland 1980-1981, Professor Jan Lencznarowicz, Jagiellonian University, ANZORA

12.15 – 13.00 Lunch break

13.00 – 14.40 Panel session III „Collision Course and Its Corrections”
Moderator Dr. Dariusz Zdziech
13.00 – 13.15 Anger and Trauma in Australian Culture: Past and Present, Dr. Anna Kowalcze-Pawlik, University of Lodz
13.15 – 13.30 On the Collision Course: China-Australia Relations during the Pandemic,
Paweł Paszak, M.A., War Studies Academy in Warsaw
13.30 – 13.45 Znaczenie Regional Economic Comprehensive Partnership (RCEP) dla australijskiej gospodarki [Regional Economic Comprehensive Partnership (RCEP) and Its Significance for the Australian Economy], Piotr Głogowski, M.A., Cracow University of Economics
13.45 – 14.00 Pandemia i jej konsekwencje dla gospodarki australijskiej [Covid Pandemic and Its Consequences for the Australian Economy],
Agnieszka Kandzia-Pozdział, M.A., ANZORA
14.00 – 14.15 Is Climate Crisis a Central Problem for the Continent of Australia Today? In Search of Semantic Elements for Models of Migration
Flows, Aleksandra Stańczak, M.A., University of Burgundy, France
14.15 – 14.30 Diaspora muzułmańska w Australii [Muslim Diaspora in Australia], Dr.Małgorzata Samojedny, University of Wrocław
14.30 – 14.40 Australian Climate Law, Dr. Joanna Siekiera, University of Bergen, ANZORA

Closing words Dr. Joanna Siekiera

Honorowy Patronat:

Ambasada Australiii w Polsce,

Ambasada Nowej Zelandii w Polsce.

Ambasada RP w Australii


Przy współpracy:

Universitas Bergensis

Polskie Towarzystwo Geopolityczne

Akademia Kadr Europejskich

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